recent decades, material development in response to a call for more
durable infrastructures has led to many exciting advancements. Fiber
reinforced composite designs, with very unique properties, are now being
explored in many infrastructural applications. Even concrete and steel
are being steadily improved to have better properties and durability.
Advanced civil infrastructure materials provides an up-to-date review
of several emerging construction materials that may have a significant
impact on repairs of existing infrastructures and/or new constructions.
Each chapter explores the ‘materials design concept’ which leads to the
creation of advanced composites by synergistically combining two or more
constituents. Such design methodology is made possible by several key
advancements in materials science and mechanics. Each chapter is
concluded with selective examples of real world applications using these
advanced materials. This includes relevant structural design guidelines
and mechanics to assist readers in comprehending the uses of these
advanced materials.
The contributors are made up of renowned
authors who are recognized for their expertise in their chosen field.
Advanced civil infrastructure materials is of value to both graduate and
undergraduate students of civil engineering, and will serve as a useful
reference guide for researchers and practitioners in the construction
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